
Check out the company and product information for MakinaRocks.

[White Paper] An MLOps Strategy for AI Models in Manufacturing

In order to respond to special datasets and different environments in manufacturing/industry, ML lifecycles should be iterated quickly by standardizing AI model development, deployment, and operation processes.

Company Introduction

MakinaRocks makes a real impact on the productivity of manufacturing and industrial sites by offering AI solutions and enterprise MLOps.

About AI Solutions

MakinaRocks has accumulated core ML capabilities with abundant experience in manufacturing and industrial companies and our enterprise MLOps products - Link™ & Runway™

Runway™ Introduction

MakinaRocks Runway™ is an enterprise MLOps platform that integrates model development, deployment, and monitoring into a single platform for continuous development and stable operation.

Link™ Introduction

MakinaRocks Link™ is a simple AI/ML modeling tool for creating readable pipelines developed as an extension of JupyterLab, widely used by data scientists.

[White Paper] How to Use Artificial Intelligence in Automobile Manufacturing Sites

With the complexity of data and the use of artificial intelligence in automotive manufacturing sites, manufacturing sites are rapidly transforming.